Southern California Color Pigeon Club
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Standard for Saxon Field Color Pigeon
Translated in 2012 from German standard by Gary Romig

Black white barred Saxon Field Color Pigeon

To see colors above click thumbnails to enlarge
Saxonia and Thuringia
General Impression:
Strong, field pigeon shape with low station, muffed, plain headed or shell crested.
Race features:
Oblong, curved, forehead moderately high, smooth headed or with a broad shell crest ending with rosettes on either side of the head.
Orange colored. Eye cere narrow, even color depending upon plumage either light to red or dark.
Medium to long. On blues and blacks beak color is black. Silvers and light blue the beak is dark. Red and Yellow the beak is bright flesh (on reds slight staining permitted). Red Checks, dark horn color, yellow checks light horn color.
Medium long, full at the body, throat well rounded out.
Broad, well curved and projecting forward.
Long gently slopping down with broad shoulders.
Long, well closed and covering the back.
Long, well closed.
Low position with long and well curved muff feathers and well developed hock feathers.
Well developed and lying close.
Black, red, yellow, blue, opal blue, silver all with white bars or spangle. Isabel with white bars. Red or yellow checker.
Color and Design:
Blacks, reds and yellows to be glossy and rich as possible. Pure white bars; long, narrow and well separated. Blue white bars have thin black edge. Spangles; pure white and evenly distributed as possible also with thin black edging. Black Spangles with or without finch markings (white pearls on the tip of flights). Blue wing cover feathers are to be middle tone without cloudy or dark ends.
Opal blue is even and light blue without gradation, only the neck is with matt green gloss. Flights, muffs and tail are even light blue with the tail bar brighter. White bars or spangles on opals should be without dark edging but feint gray edging is permitted. Isabel color is to be even and light as possible but still allow the white bars to stand out. Opal and isabel female pigeons are somewhat darker than the male pigeons. Red and yellow checkers have light flights, tail and muffs, checker marking on wings are dark and as large as possible but with bright small darts on the tips.
Bad Faults:
Weak body, drooping attitude, station to high, narrow or capping crest, too short or incomplete muffs, dark beaks on reds or yellows, too short or too broad, rusty or peppered bars, white showing on the back or base of neck or white moon showing on front of breast, visible white grizzle in flights, muffs, tail, or wedge, white or missing tail feathers, dull, uneven or bluish colors on the blacks, red or yellows, overly bright, dark or cloudy blues, on opal or isabel to dark or cloudy color, on light blues or opals any grizzling on the head, Violet neck, copper colored chest or sharply darker wing color.
Order of evaluation:
General impression - body form - color - bars or spangling - muffs - eye and beak color.
Band size: